61-43 186th Street, Suite 517
Fresh Meadows
Queens, NY 11365
United States
ph: 718.217.REAL
Real Advantage Institute, services and offerings are constantly changing depending upon the need and availability. Depending upon your interest please view our offerings below and REGISTER BY PHONE OR EMAIL! Enrollment subject to course availability and scheduling.
Office Telephone: 718.217.REAL or Office Email:
All offerings are either Live Distant Education LDE via (Zoom) or Computer Base CB via Learning Management System LMS (Self Study). Please read "Frequently Asked Questions" FAQ before purchasing a course.
NYS Approved Real Estate School
NMLS Approved Course Provider
ID#: 1405095
REEA Approved Course Provider
REAL ESTATE EDUCATION: 77-Hour NYS Real Estate Salesperson
New York Real Estate Salesperson
This course is NYS approved as a Live Distance Education LDE 77-Hour (Webinar) in real estate practices and prepares you for the real estate salespersons class and state licensing exams. Final exams must be passed with a minimum of 70% and may be taken a maximum of two attempts. All final exams must be physically proctored in the State of New York. Students are required to meet the minimum seated time engaging in the learning content. Topics covered will include agency, working with clients, property basics, fair housing, ownership, contracts, valuation, environmental issues, and property management. This curriculum is required for the New York Real Estate Salesperson license. NYS APPROVED. MARCH SCHEDULE : MON-FRI 5:30-10:30PM / DAY SESSIONS SAT - SUN. - 9-6:30PM. "CALL FOR MORE DETAILS".
REAL ESTATE EDUCATION: Continuing Education
Real Estate Brokerage Companies can be assured that all your Real Estate Professionals Salespeople and brokers comply with New York State requirements by completing a minimum of 22.5 hours of Real Estate Continuing Education:
FIRST TIME RENEWAL: 2-Hours Agency, 3-Hours Fair Housing, 2.5 Hours Ethical business practices, 1-Hour Legal Matters, 2-Hour cultural competency, 2-Hour Implicit bias awareness, and 10-Electives.
SECOND TIME RENEWAL: 1-Hour Agency, 3-Hour Fair Housing, 2.5-Hour Ethical Business practice, 1-Hour Legal matters, 2-Hour Cultural competency, 2- Hour Implicit bias, and 11-Hour Elective.
New York State Real Estate Continuing Education (CE) requirement is 22.5 Hours. "Real Advantage Institute" (RAI) has partnered with "The CE Shop" for Real Estate Pre-Licensing/Continuing Education. Please click on link below to gain access and enjoy our company discounts. *** [] *** Navigation: You will be taken to RAI Enrollment page. NYSDOS APPROVED. DISCOUNTED PRICES!
MORTGAGE EDUCATION: 20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive
20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive
This course is approved as a Live Distant Education LDE (Webinar) 20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive. This (MLO) Mortgage Loan Originator course is approved for 20-Hours of NYS Real Estate Continuing Education and NMLS MLO Pre-licensing. NMLS Provider Education ID #104192. Course ID#15875. This NMLS- approved webinar classroom equivalent course with a LDE format (Webinar) provides all of the tools to help you successfully complete your required MLO pre-licensing education – and prepare you for your exam. Our courses are flexible and convenient allowing you to take day and evening live distant educational sessions remotely. (Meets 20-Hours of the MLO Pre Licensing Training). All pre-licensing learners for New York State must complete a 20-Hour SAFE: Comprehensive according of the Federal SAFE ACT (PLUS) 3-Hours of NY SAFE: State specific study.
MORTGAGE EDUCATION: Continuing Education
Mortgage Brokerage Companies can be assured that all your MLOs comply with the SAFE Act (The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act). Meet your mortgage CE requirements and maintain your mortgage license status, you are required to complete national minimum 8-Hour SAFE Comprehensive Mortgage Loan Originator plus 3-Hour New York SAFE New York Mortgage Loan Originator. NY requires a total of 11-Hours of continuing education.
8-Hour SAFE Comprehensive: 3-Hour Federal law and regulations; 2-Hour Ethics, including instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending; 2-Hour Non-traditional mortgage lending; and 1-Hour of undefined "Elective" on mortgage origination.
8-Hour SAFE Comprehensive + 3-Hour New York Specific = 11-Hours of Required Continuing Education
Our NMLS-Approved courses through our partners are available in the following formats:
✓ Live In Person ✓ Online Self-Paced Video (CB) ✓Online Reading Self-Paced (CB) ✓Live Webinar (LDE)
New York State MLO Continuing Education (CE) requirement is 11 Hours. "Real Advantage Institute" (RAI) partnering with "OnCourse Learning" for MLO Pre-Licensing/ Continuing Education. MLO Continuing Education courses are offered through OnCourse Learning. Please click on link below and enjoy our company discounts. *** [] *** Navigation: Select: New York / Continuing Education. Select: Desired Course Options. NMLS APPROVED. DISCOUNTED PRICES!
Instructor Education
This course is NYS approved as a LDE 12-Hour (Webinar) to fulfill NYS formal instructor education requirement of (50 points) for new real estate instructors. Are you a real estate professional seeking to teach as a NYS approved real estate instructor? Are you a seasoned real estate educator who need to sharpen instructional skills? This instructor education course, (REEA, GSI) Real Estate Educators Association Gold Standard Instructor Development Workshop provides a necessary resources for educators. This course offers training in the techniques of organizing and presenting instructional materials. You will learn how to master the five principles of creating a dynamic classroom and how to execute such principles with higher degree of student engagement and higher levels of student retention. More Information about this course is found at NYS APPROVED. 2-DAY COURSE. 12 Hours. IDW 1 & IDW 2. SCHEDULE FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS. - 10-5:00PM.
Professional support services includes textbook requests, coaching on demand, tutoring for exams, and career advisement to achieve success in passing the examinations and attaining a sustainable advantage in a highly competitive marketplace. Student support services provides a seamless learning experience with confidence in successfully completing the course exams, as well as making the right decisions engaging the marketplace.
REAL ESTATE STUDENTS Do you need extra Help? Students interested in private tutoring and career planning are encouraged to email real advantage institute administrators at to increase your knowledge and understanding of real estate practices and principles supported by tutoring support, textbooks, and more. Join many students who are licensed and employed in the real estate and the mortgage profession.
RE-Salesperson Textbook
New York Real Estate for Salespersons, 7e edition textbook covers the fundamentals and principles of real estate practice to fulfill the 77-Hour curriculum requirement in New York.
Salesperson Textbook $15 for Ground Shipping
RE-Cram For the Exam Book
Cram for the Exam study guide book designed to help you pass both Real Advantage Institute real estate salesperson class exam and New York State real estate salesperson exam. Studies have shown students who have difficulty with English, have not taken a course and exam in many years, or have difficulty in developing an effective study plan need the extra help to confidently take and pass the exams.
Cram For the Exam Textbook $15 for Ground Shipping
RE-Private Exam Tutoring
Our instructors provide expert tutoring that teaches you what you need to know to pass the New York School Exam and NY State Test to become a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson. Available upon request.
Tutoring Session: Test Taking Strategies, Practice Exam Questions, 3-Hours Tutoring Session
RE-Career Planning
Choose your career with effective career planning.
You completed the real estate course and exams but have doubts whether you may fit in the marketplace? Successful career decisions begin with self-discovery to understand your own personality, personal values, preferences, motivational interests, transferable skills, and business planning. Such entrepreneurial personal elements are crucial considerations to be considered. How to create a business plan as an independent contractor and decide what business entities are right for you. Career planning private session are available upon request.
Personality Assessment, Business Planning, and Placements. 3-Hours Coaching Session
MORTGAGE STUDENTS Do you need extra Help? Increase your knowledge and understanding of mortgage origination fundamentals with textbooks, private tutoring, and many study resources. Join many students who are licensed and employed in the mortgage profession. We encouraged to email real advantage institute administrators:
20 HOUR SAFE COMPREHENSIVE: Applying Mortgage Knowledge to Exam Preparation textbook covers the fundamentals and principles of mortgage loan origination practices to fulfill the 20-Hour of NMLS approved pre-licensing education required in New York.
Salesperson Textbook $15 for Ground Shipping
MLO-Private Exam Tutoring
Our instructors provide expert tutoring that teaches you what you need to know to pass the MLO exams and the NMLS Licensing Exams to become a Licensed Mortgage Loan Originator. Available upon request.
Tutoring Session: Test Taking Strategies, Practice Exams. Questions 3-Hours Tutoring Session
MLO-Study Prep Resources
"Real Advantage Institute" (RAI) has partnered with "OnCourse Learning" (OCL) for MLO Pre-Licensing/Continuing Education. Study Prep Resources offered through OnCourse Learning.
Gain access please click on link below. []
PrepxL, MLO Test Ready or any of OnCourse Learning’s pre-licensing courses, you can expect a personalized learning solution. They offer study materials, a comprehensive library of over 1,250 practice questions, exam simulations, self-assessments, flashcards, 10-day immersive training program, and more. Access to All NMLS Exam Prep Materials Increase Exam Pass Rate. Risk-free Guarantee
ALL PURCHASES are subjected to registration confirmation. Once a purchase is confirmed, registration is completed, students will be enrolled with course calendar, materials, instruction, and directions.
Contact us today!
Please select from our list of online courses LDE open enrollment and CB available on demand. We welcome your questions and queries
Copyright 2011 Real Advantage Institute. All rights reserved.
61-43 186th Street, Suite 517
Fresh Meadows
Queens, NY 11365
United States
ph: 718.217.REAL